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SmartVault Technical Issue

SmartVault have Identified a recent issue where logging in to the SmartVault Dashboard leads to a blank screen with a blue bar across the top of the page. This behavior was seen in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. They have narrowed it down to a recent Kaspersky update which is interfering with the loading of the SmartVault Dashboard.

Clients experiencing this issue can resolve this as follows:

  • Open Kaspersky Total Security.
  • Go to Settings (Gear Icon on the bottom left)> Additional > Network > Uncheck Traffic Processing.
  • Open Browser and Sign in to SmartVault.
  • On the Keyboard press CTRL+F5  <<This last step is VERY Important. If it doesn’t work, try holding down the CTRL key+ click on the refresh button in the browser.  This will refresh the page and the Dashboard should load correctly now.

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